Computing Category is a confirmed scam now Beware

I've tried to deposit $ 50 on
for purchase of a mining contract from them, and after nearly six months discovered that the mining has been stopped and stopped the balance and is no longer working again and The fraud has been successful took the chance of delayed transactions to start scamming. even tho your order confirm on the blockchain more than 300 confirmations it still shows pending on their site, and in few days it goes timeout, but they got the money and it's in their wallet, still you wont get your contract. They do not answer support requests, they don't care. another scam was done and finished, if you wanna cry here about your BTC use this thread.

الترجمة المختصرة : انى عملت ايداع فى الموقع بحوالى 50 دولار لشراء عقد تعدين و بعد حوالى 6 شهور من انتاج الساتوشي توقف التعدين عن العمل و من المفترض انه العقد مدته سنة و هناك اشخاص اخرون تم النصب عليهم عند طلب السحب مرات عديدة

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