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تحميل برنامج Maplesim v6.4 المُكمِل الذهبي لعملاق الحلول العلمية Maple18

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download تحميل برنامج Maplesim v6.4  المُكمِل الذهبي لعملاق الحلول العلمية Maple18

البرنامج  يعتبر المكمل الذهبي للبرنامج الذي عرضناه فور صدوره MAPLLE ، و ثمن هذا المكمل 5600 يورو .. يفوق ثلاثة أضعاف البرنامج القاعدي...و المميز في هذه الاضافة المحاكاة العالية الدقة بأحدث ما أنتجت التكنولوجيا من تقنيات و التي توفر الوقت الثمين و تعطي أفضل و أدق النتائج للنموذج المصمم في مختلف اختصاصاتك..وكما جرت العادة لضيق المقام ،أُحيلك الى الموقع الرسمي في أسفل الموضوع للتعرف أكثر على منتوج أكبر و اضخم  شركة برمجيات في العالم فيما يخص الرياضيات و العلوم الهندسية الموجهة برامجها حتى للعلماء .

Maplesoft MapleSim 7.0 | 1.0 Gb
Maplesoft has announced a new release of MapleSim, the advanced system-level modeling and simulation platform. This release makes it substantially easier to explore and validate designs, create and manage libraries of custom components, and use MapleSim models within the engineering toolchain.

MapleSim offers a modern approach to physical modeling and simulation, dramatically reducing model development and analysis time while producing fast, high-fidelity simulations. In MapleSim 7, a new results manager provides greater flexibility when investigating simulation results and exploring designs. It is now possible to compare multiple simulation runs at the click of a button, including simulations of a single model and simulations of different models. Engineers can instantly Description the behavior of any variable, including variables that were not explicitly probed during the simulation. Other tools available through the results manager include the ability to easily visualize the correspondence between the 2-D Description results and the 3-D visualization of the model during simulation.
To support model creation, MapleSim 7 also makes it significantly easier to create, manage, and share libraries of custom components. As well, MapleSim 7 also expands the support of the Modelica language so that more Modelica definitions can be used directly inside MapleSim.

The MapleSim Connector for FMI, which allows engineers to share very efficient, high-fidelity models created in MapleSim with other modeling tools, has also been updated with this release. FMI (Functional Mockup Interface) is an industry standard for defining models to facilitate the sharing of models across different tool sets. For MapleSim 7, the MapleSim Connector for FMI supports more export options for co-simulation and model exchange.

As part of the MapleSim 7 family of products, Maplesoft has also released a new component library. The MapleSim Battery Library, which is available as a separate add-on, allows engineers to incorporate physics-based predictive models of battery cells into their multidomain models so they can take battery behavior into account early in the design process.

- Maple 18.02 Update
This update contains improvements to many areas, including: Rendering of 2-D Descriptions, Help pages and examples, Interactive components, MATLAB 2014a support, Math engine: Laplace transforms, complex floats, simplify, Matrix import, Context menus, Typesetting, Memory management, OpenMaple API.
- MapleSim 7.0

About Maplesoft

Maplesoft is a leading developer of advanced mathematical and analytical software. Its innovative suite of products harnesses the power of mathematics, providing industry and academia with the most advanced mathematical tools complete with fully integrated numerics and symbolics. If you touch math... you need Maple.

Name: Maplesoft MapleSim
Version: 7.0

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113 ميجا

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غير مجانى و لكنه مجانى لزوار المدونة


التفعيل عبارة عن ملفاتLICENSEتُنقل الى المسارات الآتي ذكرها لكن بعد تنصيبMAPLE18 الذي تجد رابطه في اسفل الموضوع ثم تنصيب الMAPLESIM الذي هو برنامجنا هذا...                                        
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\BRConnector\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\ControlDesign\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\CRTConnector
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\DrivelineComponentLibrary\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\dSPACEConnector\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\FMIConnector\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\JMAGRTConnector\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\MapleSim\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\MapleSimConnector\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\LabVIEWVeriStandConnector\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\ModelonHydraulics\license
c:\Program Files\Maple 18\toolbox\TireComponentLibrary\license


قبل تحميل البرنامج يجب تحميل برنامج maple 18  تثبيته على الجهاز اولا

you must be download maple 18 first and install it


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